Monday, January 5, 2009

E-bay bargains (Part I)

The trials and tribulations of trying to actually sell cds...

We do admire the enterprise of people who try to sell secondhand cds on e-bay for more than it costs to just buy it new directly from the label*. Almost as much as we admire the enterprise of folk who get sent stuff for free to review and then decide, rather than just giving them away to someone they think might enjoy it, to make some money.

I'm Not Entirely Clear How I Came Up With The Price For This

According to, this is about €17.50 and you pay postage on top. It's available from yesboyicecream for €15 and postage is included. However, if you buy it from yesboyicecream, you won't get the gammy sticker and the cd will still be sealed.

A while ago, there was someone selling a promo SKWBN CDR for £10. A two-track cdr without any cover for ten units of a legitimate currency. Madness. It was then we realised that the global financial system was bound to fail. It remains unsold but has now been reduced to £1.

Ooh, we're such curmudgeons. Feel our impotent wrath!

Within the next couple of months, we may also do a blog on the great downloading debate of 1879. We guarantee to resolve this quandry in less than 3,000 words. Or your money back. Not that anyone pays for anything anymore..........burn! (Get a new business model, loser!)

* - Just to clarify that we obviously have no problem with stores or distributors, etc selling new cds for more than it costs to buy it directly from the label. They have legitimate overheads, etc, which makes a mark-up necessary. The difference, compared to the e-bay bargains, is that the label gets something from these sales. In fact, we actually prefer people to buy our cds from shops/distributors/etc. We get less money but it encourages the stores to stock our future releases. As long as it's not a review or secondhand copy, we're cool with that... Not genuinely cool, clearly, now that we've used that phrase.

1 comment:

Liyana Minhat said...

thanks... i love s.f.r...

thanks dropping by... and i will listen to "It's Rag Time!"